How To Use SuperPromptor

SuperPromptor is a tool designed to help you create prompts for large language models (LLMs) by combining a markdown template with file contents and user inputs.

Steps to Use SuperPromptor

  1. Upload a Markdown Template

    • Click on the "Upload Template" button on the main page.
    • Select a .md file from your local file system.
    • The markdown template can contain <superpromptor-file> tags where you want to insert file contents and <superpromptor-input> tags where you want to insert user-provided text.
  2. Select Files or Folders

    • For each <superpromptor-file> tag in your markdown template, a "Select Files" button will appear.
    • Click on "Select Files" to choose files or folders to include.
    • You can select multiple files or an entire folder.
    • If you select a folder, a tree view will allow you to choose specific files or subfolders.
  3. Enter Text for Inputs

    • For each <superpromptor-input> tag, an input box will appear where you can enter free-form text.
    • The input box is resizable and will wrap text to avoid horizontal scrolling.
  4. Review and Adjust Selections

    • Below each "Select Files" button, you'll see a list of selected files with their relative paths and sizes.
    • You can remove individual files by clicking the remove button next to each file.
    • Use the plus sign to add more files if needed.
  5. Copy the Output

    • Once you've selected all necessary files and entered text in the input boxes, click the "Copy Contents To Clipboard" button.
    • This will combine the template with the selected file contents and input text, then copy the result to your clipboard.
    • You can then paste this into your LLM chatbox.

Additional Features

  • Refresh Template: If you've updated your template file, click "Refresh" to reload it.
  • Remove Template: Click "Remove" to clear the uploaded template and reset the app.


  • Only .md files are supported for templates.
  • Files larger than 10MB will trigger a warning; you can choose to include or exclude them.
  • The output format for each file is: -- relative/path/filename --\n[file contents]\n
  • For <superpromptor-input> tags, the text you enter will be included directly in the output where the tag is placed.

How To Use XML Code Parser

Steps to Use XML Code Parser

  1. Copy XML Instructions to a Template


  • XML Section:
    • Do not get lazy. Always output the full code in the XML section.
    • Enclose this entire section in a markdown codeblock
    • Include all of the changed files
    • Specify each file operation with CREATE, UPDATE, or DELETE
    • For CREATE or UPDATE operations, include the full file code
    • Include the full file path (relative to the project directory, good: app/page.tsx, bad: /Users/username/Desktop/projects/new-chat-template/app/page.tsx)
    • Enclose the code with ![CDATA[CODE HERE]]
    • Use the following XML structure:
      <file_operation>__FILE OPERATION HERE__</file_operation>
      <file_path>__FILE PATH HERE__</file_path>


  1. Select a Project Directory

    • The directory chosen will be where the code changes are inserted.
  2. Paste XML Code Changes

    • Paste the XML code changes into the textarea.
  3. Apply Changes

    • Click "Apply Changes" to insert the changes into the selected project directory.